Category Archives: Crafts

How-To: Crafts | Stitch Up a Tear Stylishly

2013-11-22_20-48-09_671I was devastated to notice after I bought a brand new pair of pants, that upon removal of the tag from the waistline, a small hole and been torn where the plastic had secured the tag through the jeans. I had only spent $17 on the pants, and I didn’t feel like driving all the way back to the mall. I decided to stitch it up myself, but in a cooler way than how my mom would’ve done it. (Sorry, Mom!) Read on to see how I did it.

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How-To: Crafts | DIY Knife Block- College Boy Style


In my quest to bring you super cheap DIY, I have discovered this beauty. If there is two things college boys like (at least the ones I know?) it’s sharp knives, and girls (hence where the Franzia came from, surely you didn’t think the boys were sippin’ it?) THUS, I present to you, “make your own knife block out of an old wine box”, brought to you by my boyfriend and his housemates. Incase the picture isn’t self-explanatory, read on for the how-to.

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How-To: Crafting | Basics, Or Are They?

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My blog seems to be suffering content wise heavily based on two factors: 1) my latin midterm; aka no time to craft and 2) I can’t find good fabric in this area. I plan to do a super simple circle skirt tutorial, as I need to make one for my Halloween costume. Will I ever find a royal blue knit in time for Halloween? Stay tuned! In the meantime, read on for a short post about how to make your basics a little less “basic” and a lot more fun!

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How-To: Crafting | Wake Up Your Walls Part 2

Hey Readers! This is going to be a part 2 of a post series I started a few days back. Last time I showed you guys some easy tips on how I chose to decorate my dorm walls relatively inexpensively. I’m going to show you a few more ideas based off my roommate’s walls! She ordered a few wall hangings only a few weeks ago, so they’re not up on the wall yet. But when they are, they are going to look great! (Read more to see the pics)

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How-To: Crafting | Page Corner Bookmarks



Here’s a super easy to do craft idea that will help you stop dog-earing pages of your textbooks and novels: corner book marks! I never seem to have enough bookmarks around, and end up using whatever is nearby, or just folding the page over. Since I learned how to make these, I keep a few at my desk and always am able to save my spot. When I say this literally took me five minutes, I am not kidding. All it takes is one piece of paper and glue/tape, or a few more accoutrements if you are feeling flashy. Read on to see how!

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How-To: Crafting | The Craft of Organizing



This post is going to be a little less “crafty”, but it is still a valuable lesson that a college student can learn from! I should explain, this is midterm time so I am very busy with exams and papers, I don’t have much extra time to sit and record the process of a craft right now. But I have lots of cool ideas for next week and onward! That being said, how can a busy college student like me stay organized through all the stress of classes, exams, papers, and a retail job? It all starts in your workspace! This is a good representation of how my desk looks on a busy day. If I don’t take the time to clean it up, it really piles up! Read on to see how I tidy up (and pics of the “after”!!). Continue reading

How-To: Crafting | Wake Up Your Walls pt 1


Yo guys! So I told you if you were lucky I’d post pictures of my own wall decorations, and the time has finally come! Above you will see just one of the walls in my room (though I only get 2 as my own). I’m going to show you my own walls as well as some plans my roommate has for dressing up her walls (coming soon in next week’s pos!) We had to do something to make this basement feel homey.

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How-To: Crafting | Dress Up Your Basics!


First of all, forgive me for the creepy pictures- my phone camera sucks and so does the lighting in my basement apartment (thanks Rutgers. -___- ). This post is going to be about a simple way you can make your basic pieces a little more different and unique. I love buying bodycon skirts and such from Forever 21… but I don’t love wearing the same plain skirt as everyone else.  Here’s three ways you can make your 5 dollar skirt look better, and stand out.

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How-To: Crafting | Sugar Scrub


Every girl deserves to pamper herself with a weekly spa night, but who wants to spend 30 dollars and up on the accoutrements? Throwing out mad cash kind of defeats the purpose of trying to relax. I make a little over minimum wage at my job, so I try to find the cheapest alternatives possible! This sugar scrub took me less than 15 minutes to make, and only cost me 8 dollars for enough to make multiple batches — that’s a big difference!!

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