Tag Archives: how to

How-To: Recipe | Make the Most of the Dining Hall

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One of the greatest parts of living on campus is that you have the option of not cooking for yourself! My school offers with any meal plan the option to swipe into either the dining hall for buffet style dining, or takeout where you select the option for the day and eat it elsewhere. Each has their pros and cons, but I have a tip for making each a little more appealing. Read on to see how!

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How-To: Recipes | Infused Water

Recipes for making your bland waters more appealing, but just as healthy! Staying hydrated should be important to you if you spend your day running from class to meetings to work, and so on. Water may sound like a boring option, but it doesn’t have to be! Read on for the recipes

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How-To: Crafting | Wake Up Your Walls Part 2

Hey Readers! This is going to be a part 2 of a post series I started a few days back. Last time I showed you guys some easy tips on how I chose to decorate my dorm walls relatively inexpensively. I’m going to show you a few more ideas based off my roommate’s walls! She ordered a few wall hangings only a few weeks ago, so they’re not up on the wall yet. But when they are, they are going to look great! (Read more to see the pics)

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How-To: Crafting | Page Corner Bookmarks



Here’s a super easy to do craft idea that will help you stop dog-earing pages of your textbooks and novels: corner book marks! I never seem to have enough bookmarks around, and end up using whatever is nearby, or just folding the page over. Since I learned how to make these, I keep a few at my desk and always am able to save my spot. When I say this literally took me five minutes, I am not kidding. All it takes is one piece of paper and glue/tape, or a few more accoutrements if you are feeling flashy. Read on to see how!

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How-To: Crafting | The Craft of Organizing



This post is going to be a little less “crafty”, but it is still a valuable lesson that a college student can learn from! I should explain, this is midterm time so I am very busy with exams and papers, I don’t have much extra time to sit and record the process of a craft right now. But I have lots of cool ideas for next week and onward! That being said, how can a busy college student like me stay organized through all the stress of classes, exams, papers, and a retail job? It all starts in your workspace! This is a good representation of how my desk looks on a busy day. If I don’t take the time to clean it up, it really piles up! Read on to see how I tidy up (and pics of the “after”!!). Continue reading

How-To: Recipe | Toasted Marshmallow Shake


OMG guys, are you ready for this deliciousness? I’m not sure you can handle it. While working on a paper tonight I had a craving for a sweet treat I used to make at the restaurant I worked at in high school that has since closed down. I decided to give myself a break and go out and splurge on a $9.70 purchase of whipped cream, vanilla Häagen-Dazs, and some marshmallows. The magic that it made in my mouth was sooo worth it, and it boosted my energy to help me get my paper done. You DEFINITELY want to try this out.

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How-To: Recipe | Asian Chicken


Another crazy night at work where my boss kept me an hour later than I was scheduled. I was starvingggggg when I finally got home, but didn’t feel like cooking. Unfortunately for me, the line for dining hall takeout was astronomical just for a deli sandwich, so I resigned to making myself dinner. With a recipe like this, it was so very worth it. Really, savory warm asian chicken and green beans over white rice is one of my classics. The extra sauce from the chicken drips down into the rice- sooooooo good.  This recipe only calls for 3 extra ingredients beyond the chicken, rice and green beans!

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How-To: Crafting | Sugar Scrub


Every girl deserves to pamper herself with a weekly spa night, but who wants to spend 30 dollars and up on the accoutrements? Throwing out mad cash kind of defeats the purpose of trying to relax. I make a little over minimum wage at my job, so I try to find the cheapest alternatives possible! This sugar scrub took me less than 15 minutes to make, and only cost me 8 dollars for enough to make multiple batches — that’s a big difference!!

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